Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What does increased magic find do?


So I found some gear that has the stat "increased magic find".

What is this "magic" that I can find? Gems? Potions? Some other form of loot?

I need to know what it does before I can decide if it's a stat worthy of my mighty character.

Asked by Mr Smooth


Magic Find improves the chances that you will find magic/rare/set/legendary items. Here's a recap of how magic find works.

Magic Find has always been one of the most popular item attributes in Diablo. Magic find helps increase the probability that a higher quality item will drop from monsters.

  • Magic Find helps increase the likelihood of Magic, Rare, Set and Legendary items dropping.
  • The Magic Find attribute can be found on any items that are high enough to support the affixes.
  • Magic Find is based on a percentile increase.
  • You get 20% of the MF found on your follower (source)
  • When played cooperatively items drop separately for each player. This means each player sees their own loot and not loot that has dropped for the other people in the group. When picked up and dropped on the ground or traded the items obviously become visible to the other players as well.
  • When playing in a group, the total Magic Find of the group will be divided equally amongst each player. Here is an example given by
    Blizzard: "The group consists of four players. In total, their stats
    are 50% MF, +20% GF and 10% XP, each of these players will have a 12.5% ​​MF, 5% GF and 2.5% XP being in such a group."
  • Players will find stacking Magic Find gear more difficult than Diablo II due to the sacrifice of other important attributes.
  • Topaz gems will add Magic Find when socketed into a Helmet.
  • There is no cap on how much Magic Find you can have.
Answered by bwarner

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