Showing posts with label xbox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label xbox. Show all posts

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Is it possible to play Halo 1 over System Link/LAN between an Xbox and an Xbox 360?


Is it possible to play Halo: Combat Evolved with System Link/LAN between an Xbox and an Xbox 360?

Asked by michelemarcon


Yes. You can play any backwards compatible games (which includes Halo 1) via System Link between an original Xbox and an Xbox 360. You can't just connect the two Ethernet ports together, however as the original Xbox requires a crossover cable. You can however, plug them both into the same router. You will need a disc per console, as with any System link play.

Source - See tips section

Answered by Macha

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Left 4 Dead local co-op for 4 players


Does the original Left 4 Dead support local co-op for 4 players? Not using XBox Live but physically sitting in the same room looking at the same tv.


Left 4 Dead and its sequel both support 2 players maximum in local co-op mode.

You can, however, join a campaign game lobby with a team of two local players and round out the game with 2 more. Alternatively, you can System Link 2 Xboxes with 2 TVs and play 4 player in the same room (assuming all of this gear fits in the same room ;) )

Monday, December 26, 2011

If I have Xbox live gold will others on my system be able to play Halo matchmaking?


I have an Xbox live gold account. If I sign in and start a Halo online matchmaking game will my son without a good account be able to join in?


Yes, in Halo games on the Xbox 360, if you have one player signed in with Xbox Live Gold, up to 3 other people can sign in as "Guest" and play online at the same time in splitscreen.

Most multiplayer Xbox Live games allow for this mode of sharing Gold status.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Is there a way to sign on as a guest in the Xbox dashboard?


I have noticed that quite a few of the games I play allow me to have a second player split-screen online with me by signing in as a guest. I always do it by starting up the game and then through that sign my friend in as a guest, but isn't there a way to sign in as a guest on a second controller without launching a game first? I'm asking this because some games allow you to splitscreen with a guest account but they don't offer you the opportunity to sign in as a guest so you have to launch a second game that does first.


There's no way to sign in as a guest from the Xbox 360 Dashboard because signing in as a guest doesn't have any meaning until you're trying to play online. The purpose of signing in as a guest is to utilize the online features of a game without having to pay for Live Gold yourself. Instead, you piggyback on another gamertag's subscription.

Microsoft describes it this way:

Gold Membership account holders can create temporary guest accounts for the purpose of game play.

The major features of the Xbox Live dashboard (themes, achievement progress, avatars, etc) are available to any profile, regardless of Live status, so signing in as a guest doesn't really apply.

If you can't seem to sign in as a guest, it may be because you're signed into a profile on the second (or third/fourth) controller already. Sign out of the non-Xbox Live Gold profile and try again.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What is the minimum required speed for Xbox live?


Just wondering what the minimum is and would my specific speeds work?

Down: 1.15Mb/s Up: 0.06Mb/s Ping: 879ms


It's really difficult to say as it depends on so many other different factors as well. At first glance your download speed look acceptable, but upload speed is pretty low and your ping is fairly high as well which will both have an impact. There's also the issue of contention, which may see your broadband speeds rise\fall depending on how many other households are using the line at that particular time.

Then there's the type of game\service you want to use. Some games require more bandwidth than others, for example a first person shooter game will require a lot more than say, a turn based game like Uno. Streaming films also requires a lot, depending on the quality.

So taking into account these factors here's my recommendation:

Heavy bandwidth games (COD, Halo): Most likely have lag, and be hard to play online
Medium bandwidth games (Mortal Kombat, SFIV): Should be fine, may have some lag
Low bandwidth games (Uno, Texas Hold 'Em): Should be fine
Movies: May struggle with buffering and stutter

although don't take this as definitive, you can hook up to xbox live for free and you usually get a months free gold membership too so you can test out some online gaming before you commit to a paid membership, and I'd advise you ultimately to do this.

Is my internet fast enough for Xbox live?


Here's how fast it is, It's Wifi, can I play Xbox live?

Down: 1.15Mb/s Up: 0.06Mb/s Ping: 879ms


It's really difficult to say as it depends on so many other different factors as well. At first glance your download speed look acceptable, but upload speed is pretty low and your ping is fairly high as well which will both have an impact. There's also the issue of contention, which may see your broadband speeds rise\fall depending on how many other households are using the line at that particular time.

Then there's the type of game\service you want to use. Some games require more bandwidth than others, for example a first person shooter game will require a lot more than say, a turn based game like Uno. Streaming films also requires a lot, depending on the quality.

So taking into account these factors here's my recommendation:

Heavy bandwidth games (COD, Halo): Most likely have lag, and be hard to play online
Medium bandwidth games (Mortal Kombat, SFIV): Should be fine, may have some lag
Low bandwidth games (Uno, Texas Hold 'Em): Should be fine
Movies: May struggle with buffering and stutter

although don't take this as definitive, you can hook up to xbox live for free and you usually get a months free gold membership too so you can test out some online gaming before you commit to a paid membership, and I'd advise you ultimately to do this.