Does your team's level affect the amount of experience gained from a match on multiplayer in Mass Effect 3?
For example, If three people were significantly lower level than the fourth person, would there be any Exp or Credit penalty for anyone?
The reason I ask this is because it is the case in some RPG games. Do not forget ME3 is not only a shooter but an RPG too, and someone mentioned it as a possibility.
No, you gain XP as absolute values from every action. XP gained is never scaled by level in Mass Effect 3, even in Single Player.
You can verify this by getting medals (always the same XP gained) or by killing enemies (the XP gained is based on how much of the enemy's HP you take out before the assist/kill). If you perform the same action on a level 1 and level 20 character you'll get the same XP.
Also, XP isn't "shared" in any way, except for some medals which give absolute values of XP to everyone. If a level 1 character and a level 20 character get different XP amounts it's because one of the characters performed more actions that gain XP, such as earning more medals or killing more enemies/assists.
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