Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Are there other 'casual outfits' available for Shepard?


Mass Effect 2 introduced the idea of additional, customizable 'casual' attire that Shepard could wear aboard the Normandy, as well as during visits to the Citadel and other non-combat locations.

And like any good RPG, playing dress-up is first and foremost in my mind.

ME2 didn't have any other options in the base game aside from the 4 that Shepard started with.

Other than the N7 Hoodie, available as part of a Collectors Edition, are there any other casual attire options obtainable within ME3, beyond the default five?


No, there is no way outside of DLC/Collectors Edition or altering game files to expand the availiable 'casual' attire options.

Answered by LessPop_MoreFizz

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