Saturday, February 18, 2012

Is there a way to toggle walking mode with keyboard & mouse on the PC in Reckoning?


On the forums it seems like it is possible to walk with your character using a controller, but I can't find a keyboard shortcut that does the same thing. Am I missing something?

Asked by Esti


One of the biggest difference between a keyboard and a controller is that the directional input of a keyboard is digital (discrete set of values; in this case, binary -- pressed or not pressed), while the input from a controller's thumbstick is analog (continuous range of values)

The short of all this is that if you're using a keyboard, there's simply no way to move at less than full speed -- there's just no button implemented to move forward at half speed (or whatever).

The closest you'll get on a PC is entering stealth mode, which will slow you down and make you crouch, but this isn't actually a "walk" mode, it's just slower.

Answered by Raven Dreamer

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