Saturday, February 18, 2012

Can any Pokemon learn False Swipe, Mean Look, and a move to inflict paralysis or sleep?


I am going after the roaming pokemon in Pokemon SoulSilver, and they are a nuisance to catch. I need Mean Look to ensure that they don't immediately run, False Swipe to hurt it as much as possible without fainting it, and a move to paralyze them or put them to sleep to catch them.

At the moment, this means using three Pokemon, which is a nuisance as it wastes time switching between them. Are there any Pokemon that can learn this combination of moves?

Asked by Macha


There are 2 Pokémon that can learn that combination of moves via TM and breeding.

Absol can get Mean Look as an Egg Move from Umbreon, can learn False Swipe from TM, and can learn Thunder Wave from a TM.

Gallade can learn Mean Look as an Egg Move from most ghosts, learns False Swipe naturally at level 45, and can opt for either Thunder Wave as a TM or Hypnosis as a level 50 Kirlia (this route would require you to use either the Move Tutor or a TM for False Swipe, but Sleep is better for catching).

Answered by Grace Note

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