Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How can I make fences show up?


I have a long section of fences on a road near my base. The problem is that a good portion of these fences aren't showing up. (Note the torch next to the fence which should fix the glitch)

Invisible Woman! Where?

So how can I fix this? I've tried changing render distance (fog), reloading, etc.


This glitch is not because of lighting and fogs problem, it's similar to the dark areas glitch. So the only solution i found is placing a block near the fence, and the fence show up, !IMPORTANT! only if you place the block from west or south to the fence it will work so you probably tried the wrong direction try all four and it will work! like that:

before: enter image description here after: enter image description here BUT if you remove the block the fence become invisible again. so just place one block near each row are invisible fence.

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