Monday, May 14, 2012

Why is my game constantly crashing silently to desktop with no error message?


I have been searching for an answer to the crash-to-desktop (CTD) issue for days since I first began playing. All I come across are 10-page-long discussions that appear to consist only of new members joining the forum just so they can chime in with, "This is happening to me, too!" The only thing anyone ever has to offer is a link to the same site I've seen a dozen times with a list of "common things that may help", but none ever do.

The CTD is random. I hardly ever know when it's going to happen, although, sometimes, I get into a spot in the game where the crash is consistent at around the same spot.

Among some of the things I've tried:

  • turned off AA
  • using low setting presets
  • playing windowed
  • turning off v-sync (even though this is just spitting in the face of my 480GTX)
  • 44.1 khz sound tweak

Many of these tweaks I tried only for peace of mind and would never play with them. For example, turning off AA or v-sync? No thanks, I'll take my smooth edges and jitter-free frame rates to another game.

There has to be something other than these compiled checklists of random tweaks that no one ever reports as 100% effective. Isn't there an official patch for this? Hasn't Bethesda addressed this? Hundreds upon hundreds of people are having this problem.

My specs -

Windows 7 32-bit 4 GB RAM Nvidia 480 GTX Intel i5 3.33 Ghz


Maybe your computer or graphics card is getting too hot. Check how long you can run Skyrim until it crashes.

Also, check this out -> I heard it does a very good job of preventing CTDs.

And save often!

Answered by ChrisGS

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