Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Move a strong early game into the endgame


Recently I've played a few games as jungle yi, and have had a fantastic time ganking and really building myself up with a very strong early game. By the 15-20 minute mark, I am much strong than anyone else in the game with a lot more gold and experience and can pretty much take anyone one-on-one.

The problem that I am having is taking this advantage and turning it into a strong/winning late game. There are a few different problems I have, including weak teammates (not passing the blame, it just happens) or not being able to press the advantage while their stronger team build farms up and eventually wears us down. As well as this, sometimes my very strong one-on-one game doesn't translate well into team fights.

I'm curious about what I can do to keep my early game advantage going and pushing it to carry our team to the win rather than becoming less relevant as everyone else catches up to me, often resulting in a loss.

Asked by Tim Rosser


There are often cases when one of the teams has a really strong player that can win 2x1 or even 3x1, while the rest of his teammates are considerably weaker and underfarmed. Usually this is a sign of overfarming yourself (I'm not saying that you steal kills, but if you do have a considerable damage output, it just "happens") or sub-standard team play. I'm not sure there's a champion that can sustain a 5x1 against a semi-competent team in any part of the game, regardless of equipment, so overfarming yourself at the expense of your teammates is hardly the best strategy to win the game.

Take a look at your assists at the end of a typical game and compare yourself to the rest of the team. I make it a point for myself to have the higher number of assists among my teammates (I play tanks and supports 90% of the time), and that correlates well with whether we lose or win a game. I've won games with 0/9/22, and lost games with 17/4/8. If I have less than average assists, I have failed my teammates.

So, the best thing to do is to strengthen your team play (I know this is not always possible without premade teams, but at higher levels of play you can get a lot of stuff done with people you don't know).

Some things you might want to consider if you find yourself earning more than you should, but still losing the game:

  • Participate in ganks fights with them, don't just wander around in a hunt for a weak unprotected carry or support.
  • Leave your teammates to deliver the death blow when a kill is inevitable, and kill yourself only when the target would escape otherwise.
  • Push in coordination when you have advantage of two or more alive champions at a given time.
  • Be careful when attacking. Master Yi can blink in and out of battle quickly, but some of your teammates might not be so mobile. Don't attack just because you think you can escape, your teammates are likely to commit to an attack and die, when your purpose was only harassing.
  • Being overfed, you are more likely to be focused, so don't get cocky and avoid situations when you are alone against an overwhelming opponent, even if you are likely to kill one or two before dying.
  • A dead carry is often the cause for being steamrolled and losing the game -- the opposing team can often crush the final towers in a minute or so while you wait to be revived.
  • Relieve your support from buying wards. Pure supports are notoriously cash-strapped all game, and while their cores are cheap, they could always appreciate some extra punch in terms of equipment. Plus, if they purchase team buffs (which they often do), it will be a good investment for your extra money.
Answered by mindcorrosive

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