Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Is there a penalty for switching gear mid-combat?


If I swap gear mid-combat (perhaps with a hot-key) to switch from heavy DPS to increase % chance of obtaining a blue item, is there any penalty for doing this?

Will I receive a less a % chance if I switch mid-combat than I would if I switch prior to engaging in combat? (Such as: Is there a small cool-down prior to actually obtaining that item's bonus?)

Asked by Foxtrot


Diablo 3 has no concept of "In Combat". (This is the main reason your "Massacre" bonus can end while you're still fighting tooth and nail)

Everything is calculated when it happens. If you've got the horsepower to swap gear between each kill, all the more power to you, but it's a lot of work for a lot of very minor game.

Unlike switching skills, there appears to be no penalty to switching equipment.

Answered by Raven Dreamer

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