Sunday, May 13, 2012

How are people getting such high scores as 9x10^18 in Temple Run?


I see daily high scores in the billions and the all time high scores are ridiculously high, how are people getting these scores?

Asked by Louis


What is more than likely happening is that these users are hacking these scores. A quick Google search will reveal software that you can obtain by jailbreaking your iOS device, allowing you to hack whatever score you wish to send to the Game Center leaderboards.

If you look at the All-Time High Scores for Temple Run, the highest score you will see is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 or 2^63 - 1, which just so happens to be the largest signed integer that can be stored within 64 bits of data (see this Wikipedia article). These users likely tried to fake the highest score they could, but the leaderboard cannot store any value higher than the one shown above.

(Another common number seen faked in leaderboards is 2,147,483,647 (2^31 - 1), the largest signed integer that can be stored in 32 bits of data.)

Answered by Kevin Y

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