Friday, May 18, 2012

Can I reset the Blacksmith's crafting inventory?


The Blacksmith seems to have reset his inventory upon leveling up, but now he always has the same stuff. Can I get a new list of items to craft? He only has a few rares and I would like to see a larger selection.

Asked by Resorath


If I understand your question, you're asking if you can reset him so that when you start training him again, he'll get a different set of recipes.

Even if you could reset him (which I don't believe you can do), this won't work. My wife and I both got in the beta. I just compared her blacksmith to mine, and except for the fact that I'd trained mine up a little bit further, we had exactly the same recipes. I'm pretty sure the list of recipes you get for him as you train him is fixed. Every time you spend some gold to train him, you unlock a few more recipes. So if you did somehow manage to reset him, you'd just have to work to re-unlock all of the recipes you've already unlocked.

If it is randomized, then it would be one heck of a coincidence that my wife and I unlocked the same set of recipes up though level 2 training.

Answered by Sterno

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