Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Access auction house without leaving the world?


Especially with the huge load the Diablo III servers have currently during late afternoon/evening one usually does not want to disconnect as getting back in the game can take quite some time.

However, to auction items, I apparently have to leave the game. Is there a way to access the auction house without leaving the current game?

Asked by ThiefMaster


Unfortunately the Auction Houses are only accessible from the menus, not anywhere in the game via your character.

The Auction House is a new trading system introduced in Diablo III which shares many features with similar systems found in other games, such as World of Warcraft. Accessed through and not from in-game, the auction house allows all players within a region (US, EU etc.) to buy and sell items easily and conveniently between each other. Almost all items other than quest items can be sold between players, and everything is run by the players: Blizzard will not sell any items.

Answered by dlanod

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