Monday, April 16, 2012

What is the secret on the bell stage?


There is a bell with four symbols, one on each side. The map node has a "?" signifying a secret in this level—what is it?

enter image description here

Asked by sean



Fez bell puzzle tl;dr

The square symbols on the bell are numbers: 1, 3, 6, and 10. They represent the number of times each side should be rung.

Their number system works thusly—each line to the middle signifies a number:

  • from top to middle: 1
  • from right to middle: 2
  • from bottom to middle: 3
  • from left to middle: 4

For multiple lines, add the values; e.g., four lines (like a "+") represents "10" (1+2+3+4), a full horizontal line represents "6" (2+4), a line from the top and from the right represents "3" (1+2), and a line solely from the top represents "1".

Ring each side the number of times marked. The order shouldn't matter. The bell will disappear (forever) and an anticube will appear. You can't reset the puzzle after completing it.

Bonus: I also have a neat glitch where an anticube shows in place of the bell whenever I reload the level.

Answered by sean

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