Tuesday, April 17, 2012

How to find a team / clan in League of Legends? [closed]


Not everyone likes to play only public games (normal games / solo queues). People try to find a team to play with, signup for some tournaments etc., but it is not easy. In DotA players used to play in-house leagues and private games where they could find other players, but this seems to be far harder in LoL to achieve.

Are there any forums or in-house leagues in LoL, where a player could meet others with same intentions and hopes and possibly gather a team? How can a player find a way to competitive LoL?

Note: This has nothing to do with ranked queue. This is about finding the players who would be dedicated to train and play together (even ranked queue).

Asked by Santhos


You can find the droids you are looking for in one of those places:


Usually you form a team by positions:

  • Fighter
  • AP carry
  • AD carry
  • Support
  • Jungler

Try recruit people for they roles. So if you find an awesome person to do jungle, you call him in the game chat and see if he/she is wanting something serious. Then start playing together until find them all.

Then you start playing and test new strategies as a group, when you guys are confident, start doing ranked and grow on level.

Here a link from RIOT about this:

enter image description here

Answered by Michel

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