Friday, April 20, 2012

How do I breed a Sakura Dragon?


There's a new Sakura Dragon in the market with the elements Plant, Earth and Fire. Sounds like it's limited time.

How do I get a Sakura Dragon egg and how will I know when I get one? Approximately how rare are they? How long do I have to breed one?

Asked by Ben Brocka


Per the wiki:

The Sakura Dragon can be bred by using a combination of dragons whose elements include plant, earth, and fire. The in game splash message indicated that you must be level 11+ to breed this dragon.

You may have bred a Sakura dragon if you get a breed time of 10 hours, but you will have to wait till you see the egg to be sure, since it could be a Lava dragon as well. The egg is brown egg with three cherry blossoms on it, like this:

enter image description here

Answered by EBongo

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