Thursday, April 26, 2012

How can I get Angry Wings?


There's an achievement called Angry Wings I just can't get:

Get the Profit Bird Twice in One Game

I've gotten all the other achievements (except the new gadget ones) ages ago, but I've never managed to get the Profit Bird twice in one game yet. Is there any trick to it? Is there a set rotation of vehicles I need to keep track of to try and catch it twice in one game? Is it totally random?

I just got the X-ray specs so I can track which vehicle each power up contains.

Asked by Ben Brocka


Its mostly relies on your luck :/

Try starting the game until first vehicle you get is Profit Bird,then just start destroying all the vehicles as fast as you can,if you survive long enough you will get it again.

You should destroy vehicles because when one is gone new starts to spawn and it is never the same as previous one.

Answered by Arremer

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