Sunday, April 8, 2012

How can I breed a Bloom Dragon?


I want to breed a Bloom Dragon. Which dragons should I breed and how will I know whether I got one? How long are they available?

Asked by Ben Brocka


A Bloom Dragon can be bred using Storm + Lichen dragons or any combination involving the elements Plant, Cold and Lightning. Storm + Plant or Lichen + storm also works.

You'll know you have a Bloom Dragon if you get a breeding time of 13 hours. The egg will be rainbow colored.

Bloom dragons started appearing April 2nd and from their description it sounds like they'll be around for the beginning of spring. It's currently not known how long they'll be available so breed them soon. From the message you get about them in the game "Breed them this weekend" I think we can assume they go away after Easter Sunday (April 8th)

If you breed two of them together you'll be able to breed new Bloom Dragons even after the event is over.

Answered by Ben Brocka

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