Recently i've been trying to use claymores but I never seem to be able to position them in a way that makes them effective. I'm aware that you can avoid them by crouching or going prone but in the situations where i've used them, the other team seems to just freely walk into them without triggering them. There was one instance where one was planted several feet from the sliding door inside the Metro near the Cafe entrance and someone actually scaled over it like it was a fence?
If I want to protect a doorway, how many approx feet in distance should the claymore be placed to effectively cover any attempt to enter the doorway?
This actually can be kind of tricky with the location to where you place your claymores. I have not 'climbed them like a fence' before because they usually blow up in my face.
Although, I have entered a doorway (running through) where the claymore has gone off and not harmed me at all. [it should have killed me]
My recommendations:
For claymore locations on Metro: would be at the very top of both front and back escalators on objective B. These are usually squeezed points where players [on average] sprint up carelessly to attempt to either flank or bypass that objective.
For claymore locations near a doorway: I would place them facing the doorway, sitting in a location your enemy would not be facing when they enter that room ( when the claymore gets triggered, it blows up into their back). This method will strive to prevent the enemy from noticing the claymore (so they dont bypass it or disarm it safely).
If that method isn't applicable, your best option is try to conceal the claymore by hugging a wall facing outward towards the door and having it placed about a foot back from the door.
Keep in mind results may vary. Different players techniques vary and these are just a few recommendations.
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