Sunday, April 8, 2012

Do actions in “Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot” affect challenges?


I've been playing through Borderlands again, trying to complete all the missions. Occasionally, I've unlocked challenges in the game like "Not Really a People Person" (Kill 250 Humans). Some of these challenges are quite time-consuming and since I have yet to complete "Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot", I was wondering, do kills and other actions in the underdome count towards challenges?

Asked by NT3RP


Yes, they do count. I've completed a human kills challenge in a Riot Arena. The Borderlands Wiki article on this DLC has this to say (emphasis added):

No experience is gained from kills inside the Underdome and consequently weapon proficiencies are not affected, although it is still possible to complete challenges for experience.

Answered by lunboks

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