Monday, March 19, 2012

WoW Cataclysm - Can I buy the equips and weapons or they just can be aquired by doing quests or drops?


I am lvl 10 Arms Warrior. I was wondering if it is possible to buy the equips and weapons from shop? or I get them only by doing the quests/drops?

Asked by GeoStrike


Yes. You can buy items from shop. While in Stormwind you can press 'm' to show map and then select to show you vendors. If you are looking for Heavy Armor, which I think you do, you can check the Stormwind Heavy Armor Vendor.

However, at your level it's not likely to find better armor in shops than what you get from completing quests(until later when you will have faction vendors). Also, you might check out the Stormwind auction house where you might find some good stuff.

From lvl 15, some of the best gear you can get,will be looted from dungeons(try RDF).

Other than this, most likely you will find Blacksmiting a very good profession for your Warrrior. Professions help you a lot to gear up to lvl 85. Hope this helps in a way. If you have any other questions feel free to ask.

PS: You seem new to WOW so maybe try some of the guides out there, they really help alot.

Answered by Fofole

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