Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Will playing offline affect trophy acquisition?


I'm picking up Demon's Souls again so I can play through it before the servers close. However, while trying to plan for a trophy run and somewhat efficient playthrough, everything I've read recommends playing in offline mode in order to make it easier to get Perfect White/Black World Tendencies.

If I play offline, will I still be able to get the trophies? I'm wondering how exactly this works if I need to be signed out of PSN in order to play offline. If I don't get them while playing offline, it partially negates trying to go for an optimized run in the first place...

Asked by FAE


I've checked out a few sources, and it looks like it is possible to acquire PSN trophies while offline. They just don't sync up to your online profile until the next time you sign-on.

Answered by Wipqozn

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