Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What happens if I free Jona Sederis?


During Aria's side missions to unite the gangs, you're told to free Jona Sederis so that Aria will gain the allegiance of the Eclipse mercs.

In my previous playthrough, I instead told Sayn to take over the Eclipse, as he seemed like less of a psycho killer.

This time around though, I'm playing a renegade Shepard, and I'm considering freeing Jona.

Will she kill anyone important to me? Will the Eclipse be more powerful as a result? What exactly happens if I free her?

Asked by Mr Smooth


The Eclipse War Asset modifier is the same +50 regardless of how you resolve the situation. The only difference is the reputation you gain.

Release Sederis = +5 Renegade
Convince Sayn to take over = +2 Paragon
Convince Sayn to kill Sederis after she is released = none

Answered by Ampersand

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