Wednesday, March 14, 2012

How long before you get untagged for a kill in League of Legends?


Sometimes your only options might be to kill yourself on a turret, monster or minion. How long from the last time an enemy attacked you until you die does it have to be for it not to count towards your enemy score? I belive it is called an execution when you do this.

Asked by Anders



If a champion dies and hasn't been damaged or debuffed by another champion in the last 10 seconds, it is an execution. Otherwise, the kill is awarded to the enemy champion who last dealt damage. Executions are generally caused by a turret, minion, or monster. An execution offers no gold but still gives experience to nearby champions on the opposite team.

Also from the Wiki like 2 inches further down.

So basically, if you exhaust an enemy champion at 9 seconds after the damage you dealt it gets reset. The only way for them to dive a tower or minion wave and commit suicide is if it has been 10 seconds since any enemy has inflicted any kind of debuf or damage.

Answered by Emerica.

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