Monday, March 26, 2012

How do executions work in League of Legends?


If you don't take damage from any champions for a short period before dying, then your death counts as an execution. What does this mean in terms of gold rewards given? In particular:

  1. Does the enemy team get any gold reward for your death?
  2. If you had a bounty on your head does that bounty disappear after you are executed?
Asked by Sadly Not


Execution means that you do not grant nearby enemies gold or experience.

If you get executed, you also retain your killstreak and bounty.

If you know you are going to die (for instance, you have seen via clairvoyance that the enemy is coming and you won't be able to retreat) it is better to suffer an 'execute' to deny your opponents a successful gank.

Executions also don't show up on the "Team Kills" tally, though they do appear under a champion's deaths.

Answered by Raven Dreamer

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