Monday, March 19, 2012

Does 'gaming the game' to accelerate levelling up give me a wider gaming experience?


I've been focussing on levelling up my skills with training and smithing and have made rapid progress in some combat and smithing skills, but I'm kind of wondering if this is going to have any payback.

As I understand it the game compensates for levelling by simply making my enemies stronger, So, am I wasting my time with accelerated levellup up, is my shiny dragon armour no different to hide armour thanks to the difficulty compensation? And if I go through the quests (Side and main) as a level 15 will I end up having have a fairly similar experience as to level 80.

Asked by Steven Herod


There's some level scaling going on, but it's not as strong as it was in Oblivion. You can complete the game without using a single level up (look at the speedruns on youtube for this). However, some of the "cooler" stuff isn't unlocked until the later levels. Daedric weaponry and armor won't start dropping regularly until you're almost level 50.

In Skyrim there's no such thing as wasting your time :)

Answered by cairnz

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