Monday, March 12, 2012

Creative Mode Permissions Node(s)?


Is there a permissions node to disable a player from being in creative mode?

Read: Not one that disallows access to /gamemode, but one that would prevent /gamemode from changing a players mode.

If there is not a built in one, does anyone know of a plugin that does this?

At the very least I would like a permission node that disallows flying while in creative mode.

I have searched the bukkit plugins site, for 'creative', and have seen all of those.

Asked by bitfed


No such plugin exists, so I made a quick and dirty custom one I call ModeLock. You can download it here, which should in theory work with all future versions of Bukkit unless something drastic changes.

It will by default block all gamemode changes for all players. To allow a player change into the creative gamemode, give them the permission node modelock.creative. To allow them to become survival, give them modelock.survival. To give them both, you can use modelock.gamemode.

Answered by Jake King

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