Sunday, March 18, 2012

Can I treat my fish to too much food?


I never had any luck with pets when I was a kid. My parakeets died after a week. My bunny died after two days. My goldfish died within 6 hours. I was told I overfed the poor things. I never had any pets after them again. Probably for the best, at that rate.

Then comes Mass Effect and the aquarium. Poor fish have no idea what's coming.

Every time I go into my room, I smack the feed button, just to be safe. But am I being too safe? Is it possible to overfeed these digital fish?

I don't even want to think about what happened to my poor Tamagotchi...

Asked by Aeo


If you really want the fish to live, I would suggest you buy the Acquarium VI at the Presidium Commons on Citadel for 25k credits. I've never heard of overfeeding causing the fish to die, but the consensus is that the way to go is feeding them after every mission you complete.

Answered by kotekzot

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