Sunday, March 18, 2012

Can I see which weapon upgrades I own at any time?


"I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite store on the Citadel"

I've just entered the Citadel Mall / Shopping Area, and I'm wandering around looking at all the stuff to buy. There's a couple weapon mods that I think I'd like, but I don't want to buy them if I already own that mod on the Normandy.

Is there a list of weapon mods that I already own which I can look at before committing to buy new mods at a store?

Asked by Steve V.


It is impossible to buy something you already own in Mass Effect 3.

If you see it available for purchase, you don't own it. (Or that level of it)

Alternatively, if you do your purchasing from the Normandy's Shuttle Bay, you're right next to a weapon bench (you can do the same in the Spectre firing range) to check manually.

Answered by Raven Dreamer

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