Monday, March 12, 2012

Assuming everyone survived in Mass Effect 2, where and how do they make an appearance?


I want to know what interactions I'll miss by having started a fresh game.

Assuming everyone survived, where do they appear and what importance does everyone's cameo have?

I'm looking for a complete list of Mass Effect 2 squadmates and description of their interactions with Shepard in Mass Effect 3.

What I have in mind is something like this:

- Can be found in mission X standing next to the barrel on the right of the first room.
- If talked to, he tells Shepard of how he freed his kind from a slave camp.
- Can be recruited to tag along.

Asked by Juan Manuel


Kaidan or Ash shows up at the end of the first mission.

Liara joins the party on Mars.

Garrus shows up when you go to rescue the Turian leader and joins your party

Kasumi, Miranda, and Thane all show up on the Citadel. You will run into them accidentally or they send you emails telling you where to find them. You can only talk to them, but Kasumi can join up as a war asset.

Zaeed can be found on the Citadel while investigating the Volus ambassador. This quest is triggered after the Cerberus attack on the Citadel. He can join up as a war asset.

Wrex, shows up at the summit between the alien leaders after you retrieve the Turian patriarch. He stays on the Normandy, but he does not join your party.

Mordin can be found on the mission to rescue the Krogan Females. He will come aboard the Normandy, but he won't join your party.

Grunt is found on a mission from Wrex to rescue some Krogan scouts. He can join up as a war asset.

Jack shows up during the rescue mission to the Grissom Academy. She may join up as a war asset, and you can later talk to her at the night club on the Citadel.

Jacob is found in the mission to retrieve some Cerberus scientist that is triggered after the attack on the Citadel. He can join up as a war asset and can be talked to at the Hospital.

Samara is found in the mission to investigate an Asari colony. that is triggered after the attack on the Citadel. She can join up as a war asset and can be talked on the Citadel

Tali and Legion are both found in the mission to recruit the Quarian fleet. Tali can join your team, but what happens to Legion is very dependent on player choice.

During the end game you will have the opportunity to speak with all your surviving squad mates past and present one last time.

Some other Normandy crew non-squad mates show up as well.

Dr. Chakwas can be found in the Citadel hospital and can re-join the crew.

The two Normandy engineers from ME2 can be pardoned in the Spectre office, and will rejoin the crew.

Kelly Chambers can be found in the refugee camp on the Citadel. She won't join your crew. You should also convince her to go into hiding or she'll get assassinated by Cerberus operatives when they attack the Citadel.

Answered by CaulynDarr

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