Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Identify an 80s/early 90s PC (DOS) arcade game (possibly demon.exe or similar)


Unfortunately, this is going to be very vague but it bugged me for years.

From my childhood I remember playing aт arcade game on 286-family PC running DOS a-la Space Invaders (yet I believe that you were actually travelling up and not just hovering at the bottom of the screen) but you were travelling on grass (green background) and were maybe some sort of insect-like thing (not an aircraft/plane) shooting at other things... At the end of the level there was a big boss which I can only recall as something sitting in a basket of sorts. Sadly, I cannot recall at all what the regular enemies looked like. The second level (to which I hardly ever made it) I think was on dark blue surface, not green any more.

Another thing I remember that the normal weapon was most likely shooting dots while you could get a power up which somewhat resembled rockets (almost like flying swords to be honest).

Lastly, I for some reason remember it as "Demon" or similar but searching for a game like that did not yield satisfactory results.


Sounds like "Knightmare." It has sword-like weapons, the grass background, the travelling upwards, and the bug-like characters. MobyGames info: link.

Here are a couple screenshots:

enter image description here

enter image description here

Answered by Adam Flenar

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