Tuesday, February 28, 2012

How do I save/backup Halo (Combat Evolved) configuration and player saved checkpoints?


So yes, if you read the title it IS Halo: Combat evolved, got it a few months ago.

It's time now to re-install and re-organize everything on my machine, so that would mean whacking everything very soon. I need to save my player checkpoints. I mean, I don't want to lose the checkpoints I've passed.

I have Win7 x64 and I see this path has something like savedgames :

C:\Users\<user>\Documents\My Games\Halo

Is this only it? Do I only need to copy this folder or are there others?


Asked by gideon


Yes, that is the only folder you need to copy to back up your saved games (I've done this before). Be sure to patch Halo after re-install before copying back the save data, as I believe the patch causes the game to overwrite that folder.

Answered by Matthew Read

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