Thursday, February 9, 2012

How do I improve my Xbox wifi signal?


I have an XBox in my living room and my wireless router is in another room. I can't lay a line so I use the XBox with WiFi. Problem is I drop my connection semi-frequently (very annoying when watching NetFlix or playing an online game.) I'm not sure what causes the issue but I'm wondering if a WiFi amplifier would help, so my questions:

  1. Is a WiFi amplifier a fair bet solution? Do they work?
  2. What's a good, affordable one?
Asked by Nick Gotch


Have you looked into PowerLine networking? Assuming your router and XBox are on the same mains circuit in your house, then that should be able to get a wired connection between your rooms without having to mess about laying new wiring. It's also generally better bandwidth and latency than a wireless solution (though not quite up with proper wired ethernet kit).

lots of companies do it these days, a quick Amazon listing for Powerline networking kit has a whole list of them.

Answered by GAThrawn

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