Monday, February 20, 2012

How can Astaroth get his opponents out of his face?


Astaroth is a long-range fighter. He has long windups, sweeping attacks, and tons of options if your opponent gives you space to work.

Unfortunately, most opponents know this, and don't give you space to work. They get right up in your face and just keep up the pressure, and as Astaroth, I don't know what to do but keep blocking and hope they get tired of pressing buttons.

In Soul Calibur 4, his 6K was a really fast, reliable option to get out of these tight spots, but it seems they've slowed this move's startup down considerably. Throws are too slow and are usually ducked or interrupted.

How does Astaroth get his opponent away from him so he can breathe and start annihilating?

Asked by StrixVaria


How to Use 6K

First off - his 6K has been slowed slightly, yes. It's still an alright interrupt as far as speed goes, but it isn't safe, and it isn't great for moving your opponent (unless it's a CH1). It is very good for ringouts if it is a CH, however. Take advantage of it if you manage to back someone up to an edge or if someone's close and starting something slow (to guarantee a CH unless they cancel). If somebody does seem like they're eating these, take advantage with a 44B (combo), or 6K into 1A.A (tech trap, I believe).

Actually Zoning

My preferences for for zoning (and a bit for punishing people at close range without actually zoning) are as follows:

  • Crouch throws

    You mention throws being too slow, getting ducked, and interrupted. Astaroth's throws are actually fairly quick - if you initiate one after a block, it'll be pretty hard to interrupt. As for ducking, after a throw or too they'll probably try to duck (especially if you keep heaving on horizontals), which let you use Astaroth's even-better crouch throws. Alternatively, you can set up a good crouch throw off of a few moves.

    Setting up Crouch Throws

    • As far as distancing recommendations, one of my favorites is his 3K.A - it's a quick mid kick, followed by a fairly wide horizontal. It's not the best, though - the horizontal is pretty easily to duck.
    • Another good one is 6A - probably his best interrupt at close range. You get a second hit with 6A.A, and the second is a crouch throw setup on CH. However, it too suffers from the second hit being duckable.
    • I like 4A a lot at mid-range (it's slower) to build distance - on CH it's that same crouch throw setup.
    • Lastly, at midrange with their back turned, B+K sets up a crouch throw.

    Ruining Their Day with Crouch Throws

    Your options are 2A+G or 2B+G - both have BE2 to take advantage of. Either do a pretty decent job distancing you from your opponent, ending with you at medium range with them on the ground.

  • Command throw

    Astaroth's command throw 63214B+G (where he hurls the opponent straight up) is great for building distance if you follow it up with 22B or 88B. If you want to get real scary, use the 22B~BE or 88B~BE that knocks them up in the air again, so that you can follow up with a second 22B or 88B, 44B, or the A+G air throw. You're using his command throw as a launcher which lets you land things that you usually wouldn't be able to get away with at close range like that.

  • Low attacks and quick interrupts

    Low Attacks

    • It doesn't build distance well, but 2K is great for quick pokes, and transitions well into his crouching 3K bull rush.
    • For ringouts and to make them afraid of horizontals, 1K.A is nice. Another quick first hit (this one's low) with duckable second, but it's very hurtful and distancing if the second hit is a CH. 1K by itself can be used interestingly as a low hit that leaves you crouching (ready for a bull rush, for when they duck the horizontal they think is coming).

    Quick Interrupts

    • Everybody loves 4B after they get used to it. It doesn't feel like you have advantage on hit, but try bull rushing or another 4B - it's weird, but it works.
    • 1B.B is great - it's quick, and on a CH you end up tossing them away from you. Makes for some hilarious ringouts, and could actually get you some okay distance on a CH.
    • Don't forget 6A and 6A.A, mentioned above.

  • Bull Rush

    Astaroth's bull rush in this is insane. People literally eschewing his CE3 in favor of his 66K~BE - this particular attack provides a shield of some kind between the first and second hits. For any non-strong attack (which is most attacks they could pull off between the two hits), you'll see Astaroth flash red, and the attack will do nothing. It usually guarantees a second it if they try to attack, so mixing up the normal 66K and the BE is great. Plus, 66[K] (holding K) lets you mess with their timing, and if you hit with the fully held version it's a launch (if they're close).

[1]: CH = Counter Hit
[2]: BE = Brave Edge, performed with A+B+K
[3]: CE = Critical Edge

Answered by Ian Pugsley

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