Sunday, February 19, 2012

Does an open Pokémon database exist?


I've noticed that there's no good smartphone-friendly Pokédex available online, and with Nintendo banning Pokédex apps in the Android Market one would be nice to have. So I plan to make a smartphone-friendly web-based one.

The question is, where do I get the data? Is there any kind of RESTful or even downloadable raw Pokémon database out there?

Asked by LouieGeetoo


No and kind of. So no because there isn't any SQL server (that I could find) sitting there open to query, and there is no creation scripts ready to go (again, that I could find).

Now we get to the kind of. There is Bulbapedia which is a great resource with more information than most people could ever want. And it is built on Wikimedia, so it has an API. So you can query it and get out information. But, the API isn't the most straight forward. I've been trying to learn it for a little while, and I still haven't figured out how to pull out the list of pokemon from a page (that's very complicated in the first place). And they have disabled searching via the API by title... which is not helpful. If you can figure it out, you are a smarter (and braver) man than I.

An alternative to this is to just view the pages with lists of pokemon, copy and paste the tables, and use a script to convert the format.

Please do notice the license though. If you use their data, you can't do so commercially, you have to give them credit, and you have to share-alike.

Answered by Ktash

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