Monday, February 20, 2012

Does magic damage add on to a weapon's damage or is it a part of it?


If a weapon has 26 damage, and does 10 fire damage to the target, is it
(16 base damage) + (10 magic damage) = (26 total damage), or
(26 base damage) + (10 magic damage) = (36 total damage)?

Also, what if it has absorb health? Does that act the same way?

Asked by Kecoey


Magic Effects and poison are calculated independant of the base damage of the weapon. The number listed on the weapon is the base damage only and does not consider any enchantments or poisons applied.

As previously established on this site (link forthcoming), only the base damage of the weapon gets multiplied by things like crits.

Answered by Raven Dreamer

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