Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Do your damage effects last after your death?


So, now that I've been playing a lot of pvp, I am starting to find my in the occasional position of being out of place and about to go down with no hope of healing. In these situations, I really want to hand out the most hurt before I have to cool off in the med center. As I'm playing a bounty hunter, I normally can switch over to blow everything mode and max my heat out before I go down, but I can't seem to tell if my Explosive dart is sticking around after me or not. I know the rest of my abilities that have already resolved do (for example: If I light someone on fire, the effect resolves as normal regardless of my status). On a related note, do you earn damage points for stuff that resolves while you are dead, or do you lose those few ticks?

As applies to warzones, please!

Asked by sarge_smith


yes, DoTs become effects on the target, so when you die they remain.

Haven't you died in PvE after you kill a mob but the DoT kills you? same thing in PvP.

Answered by Rodolfo

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