Thursday, February 16, 2012

Do positive coordinate locations give more ore in Minecraft?


I've heard that due to a bug in the terrain generation locations in the positive direction (i.e. (3,5),(100,200)) give more materials such as iron. I can't find any proof this claim, however. Is this true?

Asked by Jim


As of 1.6, this has been fixed.

  • Fixed ore density varying per quadrant from the center of the world

Begin Original Answer

Okay, the original link comes from this answer here.

This, in turn, links to this reddit article, from which the following image is drawn.enter image description here

In addition, one of the reddit comments explains why this appears to be the case, quote:

The bug occurs because of how all ore (and dirt and gravel) are spawned in the game. The game rounds everything towards to 0 (instead of just down), and then adds +0.5 when determining if a block has ore or not. It works for positive numbers (which is the southwest), and doesn't work as well for negative numbers (which is everything in the northeast). They just need to fix the rounding they do.

Answered by Raven Dreamer

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