Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ustengrav Depths gates: can my follower follow?


This earlier question discusses how to get through the three gates in Ustengrav Depths. Unfortunately my follower can't run as fast as me and is trapped behind the gates.

According to a couple of sources, after I get through the gates they're supposed to remain open. They don't.

My plan right now is to complete the quest then cycle back through the dungeon to retrieve my follower. But am I missing a trick here to keep the gates open? Are the sources wrong? Is my game just bugged?

Edit: this after getting through the end of the dungeon and looping back around to the upper level of Ustengrav, my follower ran up to meet me, so it wasn't a big inconvenience in the end. But experimenting, researching, and fretting about it until then was definitely an inconvenience (and an annoyance). I imagine it'll annoy others, so I'd still like an answer to this question if anyone has one.


In general, if I pass an obstacle that my follower can't navigate, I can walk up ahead a bit then rest for an hour. This almost always forces your follower to teleport beside you.

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