How do you approach the Khan scenario that comes with the basic Civ-5? Couple of ideas I'm working on, but always nice to hear from those who have tried and succeeded...
Send horsemen off in different directions to explore the map whilst growing/building new cities?
After about 40 turns i figured that was going nowhere fast... but I did learn the map so I have unavoidable knowledge of the terrain next time through.
Send horsemen to conquer the nearest city-states, before turning attention to other civs?
Strike at the biggest rival first and the rest will fall with ease?
Strike at the smallest rival first and work your way up?
I'm down at the middling levels of skill. Does your strategy change as you make it harder? How/Why?
Unless you start conquering quickly, you won't be able to conquer enough civilizations in time. My tactic (in difficulty level 5 if I remember correctly) was to immediately use my horseman to conquer the nearby city-state (to the south east) and then the Siamese civilization. It's not an easy war to wage but conquering these cities is a pretty fast way to expand your borders quickly.
Use the terrain to your advantage, as well as the powerful Khan generals and the ranged knights. Avoid fighting in hills until you can get a few pikemen.
I continued to conquer and advance to the south east until I couldn't (that's Siam + China), and then turned my attention west and attacked India and Persia, ending the game on time.
My biggest problem throughout this playthrough was maintaining happiness. Try to prioritize conquering cities with resources and burn down cities that don't really help. The bonuses from city-states are also very nice, so it's recommended you take them as soon as you can afford to.
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