Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Multipliers given during a round of DD


I've looked around but can't seem to find a centralized list of all the bonuses and multipliers one can strive for during a round of Dungeon Defenders.

I see that if the crystal doesn't get attacked, no damage taken, etc, but what I'd like to see is a bulleted list of everything I could attempt to attain for maximum XP-age.


Score is determined in several ways:

  1. Speed to complete the mission
  2. Player and Team bonuses (listed below)
  3. Killing Enemies

Wave Bonuses:

  • Immortal - Did not die throughout the entire match
  • Invincible - Did not take damage for an entire wave after the first
  • Knight - Killed 10 enemies in 5 seconds
  • Lord - Killed 50 enemies in 5 seconds
  • Strategist - Scored the most tower kills
  • Banker - Earned the most mana
  • Trigger Happy - Most first to ready for Combat Phase
  • Handy Man - Performed the most tower repairs
  • Janitor - Scored the last kill in the wave
  • Chillax - Moved the least distance in the wave
  • Flawless Victory - No core damage after the first wave
  • Most Valuable Hero - Scored the most player kills
  • Teamwork - Completed a mission with 4 active players
  • Skin of Your Teeth - Survived a wave after the first with <100 Crystal Health Points on at least Medium difficulty
  • First Kill - Scored the first kill in the wave
  • Mechanic - Performed the most tower upgrades
  • Boss Slayer - Your Hero or Defense landed the killing blow on a boss
  • Master Builder - Kept full Defense Units throughout the wave
  • Master Strategist - Only used Defenses to harm enemies after the first wave
  • Gunslinger - Only used Abilities/Weapons to harm enemies after the first wave
  • Most Valuable Player - Scored the most total kills

I have read that the algorithm used to calculate the score is rather complex, but I haven't been able to find it anywhere. I don't know if Trendy has released it.


"The information in that guide is pretty decent... just do your best to ignore the eleven-year-old comments at the bottom."

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