Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Is dying while naked cheaper than dying with clothes?


While running a flash point my group decided to suicide instead of making the long lonley run back to the start point. We were wondering if dying naked was less expensive than wearing your gear.

Does the damage to gear from death apply only to equipped gear or to gear in your bags as well.


This is another instance of "asking the wrong question". After completing a flash point, you can simply click on "Exit Instance" (it appears directly above your minimap) to be teleported out - no need to taste death.

That said, your primary question was worth investigating anyway.

I initially did not know the answer to this, so I made a new character to test it.

The face of Gaming.SE

The face of Gaming.SE

Characters start out with boots, pants, and chest items. These all started with full durability.

enter image description here

enter image description here

I immediately stowed the boots in my pack, and went off to make some friends. Friends who wanted to shoot me.

enter image description here

Thus acquainted, I took stock of my boots and my slacks. enter image description here enter image description here

Taking off my boots had spared them from a grisly fate! Huzzah!

So from this, I can state with certainty: if you're trying to corpse-hop from place to place, strip down to your skivvies to save on repair bills.

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