Tuesday, January 3, 2012

How can I force my companion to focus on healing instead of attacking enemies?


I want my companion(Mako) to focus on only healing me but she keeps attacking people. How can I get her to only heal me and not attack? If she focused on healing I would be a lot better off. Does anyone know what to set to do this. I also keep turning off her attacking abilities and they keep turning back on. How can I prevent that?


In Theory You should be able to do this by turning off auto-cast on all of your companions offensive abilities. You can do this by expanding their action bar (click the + on the right hand side of the 4 button action bar in their unit frame, at the bottom left of your screen.) See that green square in the top right corner of each spell? That's auto-cast. Right clicking on the spell will turn that off, and the square will become empty (black). Once auto-cast is off for a spell, your companion should never use it unless you specifically command them to (by actively clicking on that spell from their bar).

The reason this answer starts with in theory however, is because in practice, this is one of a number of settings that currently resets frequently for totally arbitrary and unknowable reasons. You'll need to periodically check your companions action bar to ensure that auto-cast hasn't been reenabled for an ability you don't want them using while you weren't looking. I would assume that this will eventually be fixed in a patch, but until then, it bears noting.

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