Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Help identify a game by remembered description of sprite


I'm discussing the art style for a game I'd like to make with a friend. I'm trying to describe what I'm thinking, and I know I've seen a character sprite in an older game that typifies what I'm envisioning. Unfortunately, I can't remember what game I am thinking of. My best guess at the description:

  • more cartoon styled than realistic
  • properly proportioned body vs. head (as opposed to Final Fantasy style with enormous heads vs. body size)
  • smallish eyes, mostly closed
  • largish mouth, mostly square shaped when talking
  • heavily shaded

I know this is a 1-in-a-million shot an someone having an idea of what I'm describing, but if that rings any bells for anyone, please point me in the right direction.

Additionally: I want to say it was in an adventure game, but maybe it was an RPG. Certainly not a platformer, shooter, action game, etc.

EDIT: As for year range/platform, I want to say it was in the Point-And-Click-Adventure golden age on PC. Again, I could be misremembering, but this would definitely be a sprite-based character. 2D, but the world had that faked 3D look you got in a lot of the late-SNES rpgs.

Edit: I appreciate the effort, and I understand I have not given much to go off of, but I simply don't remember much. I want to say the game itself was more isometric view than straight-on. I initially wanted to say Monkey Island-style, as the first answer posted said, but I know it wasn't Monkey Island.

The character I am thinking of had a red shirt, blue pants, either no hair or a cap. I'm remembering him talking, and his mouth would just animate by being mostly closed and wide open, white line of teeth visible. I want to say the character I am thinking of is a peasant-type character and not the main PC.


Red shirt, blue plants and a cap. Could it have been the character from the King's quest VGA remake series?

King's Quest 2 Character

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