Sunday, December 25, 2011

Why don't I have permission to use WorldEdit?


I'm trying to install WorldEdit, and I've done the following:

  • Gotten the craftbukkit JAR,
  • run it, stopped it,
  • replaced world with my save from single,
  • run again, stopped again,
  • copied WorldEdit.jar into plugins,
  • tried //hpos1 and other WorldEdit commands.

I get the following error:

You don't have permission to do this

What causes this? (I'm on a Mac, if that's a factor)


Due to the nature of worldedit, worldedit requires you to specify permissions, either the build in, or by using a permissions plugin

Worldedit uses the WEPIF (WorldEdit Permissions Interoperability Framework) to handle permissions.

If you're not using a permissions plugin, the easiest way is using Flat file permissions which allows you to simply give yourself all permissions by editing two files in the root of your server (same location as bukkit itself):





(replace sk89q with your username)

There's a list of permissions, on the Worldedit Wiki which can help you if you want to further specify permissions

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