Monday, December 12, 2011

Which enchants are worth the most?


In terms of gold return. If I'm levelling enchanting by enchanting iron daggers, which enchant gives the dagger the most value? Assuming I'm using just petty/lesser souls.


The value of the enchantment effect in Skyrim seems to be inversely proportional to the # of base uses for that enchantment.

With a ratio of 5.5, the Banish effect gives you the most money per item. You can easily make iron daggers with banish that's worth more than 2000 septiums with a lesser soul gem.

For armor and jewelry enchantments, the Waterbreathing effect is the most valuable for petty soul gems and Fortify Sneak for anything with lesser soul gems or higher. But Banish easily out classes any armor enchantments in terms of profit.


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