Sunday, December 18, 2011

What can I get from datacrons and where can I find them?


On Tython I've found 3 datacrons so far. Two gave me a stat boost and third gave me a Blue Matrix Shard. Now I have a couple questions:

  • Is there anything else I can get from datacrons?
  • Where are they all? I don't want to miss one.


If you want to make sure you got all the datacrons on a specific planet, look at the Codex entry for that planet and then click on the magnifying glass. It shows your progress on that planet, including how many of the datacrons you have:

Codex entry for Korriban, showing I have found 2 out of three datacrons

As for the rewards from datacrons, it seems it's only stats boosts and matrix shards, but I can't say that for certain.

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