Monday, December 26, 2011

Is there a way to get water into the nether in minecraft?


Just exploring the nether, found my first nether fortress, and lots of netherwart. Wanting to start brewing potions in the nether fortress, but getting a source of water is problematic. Is there a way to get water into the nether in vanilla minecraft (i.e. no mods)? I'd like an unlimited water source....


The easiest way is to build a portal nearby, travel to the normal world, fill your glass vials with water there and bring those back to the Nether. You can fill as many vials as you can fit in your inventory and it won't take much time out of your brewing schedule.

You could also keep water in the Nether in a cauldron, but as that only holds 3 vials worth, it's slower than simply bringing the water to the Nether in vials.

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