Sunday, December 25, 2011

How do I get the 6th Datacron on Dromund Kaas


In Beta, there were only 5 Datacrons on Dromund Kaas.

However, when the game launched, the planetary information was updated to say there were six Datacrons.

Where is the last one?

The five I've located are:

  1. In the spaceport, in Docking Bay D-61.
  2. South-west of the Spaceport.
  3. Above the waterfall in the south-west corner of the Malignant Bog Heroic area.
  4. In the mountains north-west of Lord Grathan's Estate.
  5. On a rock in Dark Temple Approach near the Mercenary Landing Site.


Doesn't the Codex track lore entries? You get a sixth lore entry by entering the Assembly Chamber near the Dark Temple.

I'm pretty sure there are only 3 on starter planet, 5 on every subsequent planet.

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