Sunday, December 25, 2011

Does the Juggernaut's health increase progressively in Survival?


When playing Survival it quickly becomes apparent that the health of the standard enemy soldier goes up either per round or per-so-many rounds.

Does this also apply for the Juggernauts? I usually kill them with C4 and at first I thought it always takes 7 C4 stacked to kill the first Jugg that I get.

However Ive sometimes killed a Jugg with as little as 5 C4 packs - So now Im aware that how close they are to the packs themselves when they blow is a major factor in how much damage they take. Unfortunately this has also completely derailed any idea as to how much health they have and if it increases or not as you continue to progress through the survival waves.


No, they stay the same all the way through, just spawn more and more of them to increase difficulty. it only states that there are different type's of Juggernaut's.

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